As a major component of Polytechnic University's plan to consolidate its academic programs at its Brooklyn campus, the Joseph J. and Violet J. Jacobs Building was designed as an addition to Rogers Hall, the campus's primary academic building. The 86,000 square foot facility contains five levels of academic space that includes lecture halls, science laboratories, engineering studio-classrooms and computer labs.
Davis Brody Bond, LLP
As a major component of Polytechnic University’s plan to consolidate its academic programs at its Brooklyn campus, the Joseph J. and Violet J. Jacobs Building was designed as an addition to Rogers Hall, the campus’s primary academic building. The 86,000 square foot facility contains five levels of academic space that includes lecture halls, science laboratories, engineering studio-classrooms and computer labs. In addition to increasing academic space, this project also satisfies the university’s desire to develop student life amenities by adding a fully-equipped athletic center on a campus with few available building sites. This design places a NCAA regulation gymnasium on street level below the academic floors and locates locker rooms and fitness spaces on the basement level. Above the gym, a courtyard allows abundant natural light to the academic floors that connect seamlessly with the existing structure. A three-story lobby provides access to all spaces and provides a new entrance to the university from a major street in downtown Brooklyn. Used for displays and as a break-out space for the multi-purpose gymnasium, the lobby is perfectly scaled to the university campus and at night is a glowing beacon that establishes a new public face for the school.